Computer full form Abbreviations acronyms of G

Computer full form Abbreviations acronyms of G

Computer full form abbreviations Acronyms of G List of Computer science, IT-Information Technology, internet and technology

G – Computer full form

Computer Full Form A to Z
Computer Full Form A to Z

G- Giga

GAN- Global Area Network

Gb- GigaBit

GB- GigaByte

Gbps- Giga Bits Per Second

GBps- Giga Bytes Per Second

GD-ROM- Giga Disk Read-Only Memory

GECOS- General Electric Comprehensive Operating System

GFLOPS- Giga FLoating point Operations per Second

GHz- GigaHertz

GiB- GibIByte

GIF- Graphical Interchange Format

GIGO- Garbage In, Garbage Out

Gips- Giga Instructions Per Second

GL- Graphics Language

GLY- GLossarY

GM- General Midi

GML- Generalized Markup Language

GMT- Greenwich Mean Time

GP- Gas Plasma

GPI- Graphics Programming Interface

GPU- Graphics Processing Unit

GRP- Group

GSP- Global Service Provider

GWT- Google Web Toolkit

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