Computer full form Abbreviations acronyms of H
Computer full form abbreviations Acronyms of H List of Computer science, IT-Information Technology, internet and technology
H – Computer full form
H/V- Horizontal/Vertical
H/W- HardWare
HAD- Holographic Autostereoscopic Display
HCL- Hardware Compatibility List
HD- Hard Disk
HD- High Definition
HD- High Density
HD-CD- High Definition Compact Disk
HDD- Hard Disk Drive
HD-DVD- High Definition Digital Video/Versatile Disk
HDMI- High-Definition Multimedia Interface
HDML- Handheld Device Markup Language
HDMOS- High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor
HDP- Hard Disk Password
HD-ROM- High Density Read Only Memory
HDTV- High-Definition TeleVision
HDVD- High Definition Volumetric Display
HDW- HarDWare
HEX- HEXadecimal
HF- High Frequency
HGML- Hyper Graphics Markup Language
HIC- Hybrid Integrated Circuit
HiFD- HIgh-capacity Floppy Disk
HIPERLAN- HIgh-PErformance Radio Local Area Network
HMI- HTML Mail Interface
HP- Hewlett-Packard
HP/UX- Hewlett-Packard UniX
HPG- Hewlett-Packard Graphics
HPGL- Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language
HPLJ- Hewlett-Packard Laser Jet
HREF- Hypertext REFerence
HRG- High Resolution Graphics
HT- Horizontal Tab
HT- HyperTransport
HTA- HyperText Application
HTML- HyperText Markup Language
HTTP- HyperText Transport/Transfer Protocol
HTTP-NG- HyperText Transfer Protocol – Next Generation
HTTPS- HyperText Transport (or Transfer) Protocol Secure
HTX- HTml eXtension
HUMAN- High-speed Unlicensed Metropolitan Area Network
HW- HardWare
Hz- HertZ
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